Muzaffarabad (Pakistan), Feb 5 (IANS) Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif here on Friday said that the solution of all issues, including that of “disputed Kashmir”, lies in a bilateral dialogue.

Sharif was addressing a joint session of Pakistani side of Jammu and Kashmir legislature on Kashmir Day.
“Difference of opinion between two countries is not unheard of,” Sharif said, referring to Pakistan’s differences with India over Kashmir.
“What is unusual is that for 6-7 decades, we have not been able to get rid of these differences,” he told the joint session.
“I brought this up with the Indian leadership and would like to reiterate that the solution to our problems lies in dialogue. Unless we sit together and talk about these issues, they won’t be resolved,” Sharif said, expressing hope that the Comprehensive Bilateral Dialogue between Pakistan and India would see progress in days to come.
He said Pakistan has assured Indian leadership of cooperation on every issue, including terrorism.
“Pakistan is most affected by terrorism. Who wants eradication of terrorism more than Pakistan?”
The prime minister emphasised the importance of development in Kashmir. “The benefits of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) will reach Muzaffarabad, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgit Baltistan, which are a big part of the CPEC.”
